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\[P(E) = {n \choose k} p^k (1-p)^{n-k}\]
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IPhone Make Cydia Package From ivc wiki Jump to: navigation , search Cydia packages are simple .deb-files, also known from Debian Linux distribution. Contents [ hide ] 1 Package files 2 Make package 3 Create repository 4 References Package files When the program is ready and testing is done, create the following directory structure: - ProgramName - Applications | - | | - Info.plist | | - ProgramName | | - icon.png | | - Default.png | | - ... and all other files - DEBIAN | - control - System | ... and other files The control-file should contain the following information: Package: com.saurik.programname Name: ProgramName Version: 1.0 Priority: optional Size: 128222 Installed-Size: 125 Architecture: iphoneos-arm Description: An example of using APT, short desc. Every day people use Cydia, but with the instructions embodied in this package, people can publish for it as well. Homepag